Introducing the


Rapid Rewire

Membership Program


Enjoy 14 days of my Super Charged Rapid Rewire Membership

for just $1!


As part of the RRMP tribe, you'll enjoy a ton of fabulous resources:

  • Monthly Mastermind coaching with Michele

  • Monthly Guest Expert Interviews

  • Access to a treasure trove of tools, resources and other bonuses

To enhance your confidence, elevate your sense of well-being and increase your joy!

It's so simple!

Enjoy your 14-day Trial for just $1 which gives you an All Access Pass to our program, and you can cancel at anytime.


After 14 days you can continue to enjoy all of tools, resources and masterclasses in the Rapid Rewire Super Charged Membership for just $97 per month.


And if you join today, you'll receive a limited time only Discount of $60 OFF the regular monthly membership!


That's just $37 per month of amazing support, learning resources, coaching & community to help you through this extraordinary moment.




  • Monthly live Mastermind group session with Michele covering specific topics each month such as:

    • Reclaiming Your Confidence

    • Creating Loving Relationships

    • Living Healthy, Happy and Fit in 2020

    • Rewiring Your Relationship With Money

    • Catapulting Your Career Success

  • Each session includes Unique Trainings,    Information, and Hands On Exercises. Each session is also recorded for you to revisit again and again. 
  • Transformation MP3 recording for each month’s area of focus to help you rewire your thinking for greater success as you listen to each night as you fall asleep

  • Bonus exercises to enhance and expand your learning

  • Exclusive Members-Only online community for additional support, insights and information

  • Text Based Inspirations and messages throughout the month to cheer you on to greater success and happiness

Additionally as a Super Charged Member, you'll also receive:

  • Exclusive Members Only Pricing for 1-1 Rapid Rewiring work with Michele

  • Specials on Laser Coaching - 30 & 60 minute coaching only packages 

  • Exclusive Access to International Guest Experts to further expand your growth and perspectives

  • 24/7 Learning Resource Library including book recommendations, TED talks that inspire and uplift, and other special recorded interviews. 

  • Bonus Transformation Recordings and guided meditations for you and your family to enjoy

  • And, by joining today, you Lock In Your Founding Membership Price for Life or you can cancel at anytime - what could be better than that?!


Why Wait? 

Isn't it time to release the fears, anxiety and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back for far too long?


Start expanding your confidence, by releasing the blocks and bugs in your way and exponentially increase your peace of mind (and success).


Make this your best year yet!


Join Today.

You'll be glad you did.


I look forward to serving you powerfully to assist you in reaching your dreams and goals.

Love & Light,






Your Success Awaits You!


Here's what some other happy clients had to say about their

Rapid Rewiring Experience:


Before I did this Rapid Rewiring work with Michele, I was feeling something was holding me back that I couldn’t quite get at. There were underlying fears that kept me back in the shadows, hiding out from my full potential.

Now, I’m feeling more open, like an armor has fallen off. I feel like I was contained in a box and that box has fallen away. I’m definitely lighter and more positive, feeling more authentic and connected with others. I am noticeably calmer and more centered too.” 

~ Caroline K., Healthcare industry executive


"For over 30 years I have experienced a dysfunctional relationship with food. I have tried every diet known to man, every exercise program and book I could find that had info to help me. I had no idea that the power to get beyond this was ALL IN MY HEAD.


You see regular therapy did not help me at all, but Michele's Rapid Rewiring program was a technique that got me beyond the stories I told myself about my weight and food. 


After just 30 days of working with Michele I find the following to be true:

  • I have better self-awareness of what my subconscious is doing to affect my goals
  • If I listen to my custom recordings that Michele created with me, I no longer suffer the obsession with eating and sugar addiction.
  • With her help, I was able to release the power that was inside of me always, but no one else had ever suggested I work on.

If you are stuck on anything; work, relationships, addictions, behaviors and want to change, I suggest you work with Michele. Michele will help you get to the bottom of what is keeping you from achieving what you want, and you deserve."


~ Terri G., Senior Vice President, Technology Company


Rev. Tammie Denyse, M.Div., MCL 

Pastor, Author, Coach

Sacramento, CA

"I'm blown away a bit at what has transpired since our session. I am happy to report that since the group session around our relationship with money, my organization has been awarded $95K, and an outstanding invoice since January for $15K is on the way. We're also negotiating another contract for $100K.


I really don't know what to say other than offer thanks to God and to you!!"

T-Ann Pierce - Life and Mindset Coach  -  Chicago, IL

I first came to Michele with terrible writer’s block. While I am a writer, the ability to actually sit down and begin writing had become torturous. Deadlines were giving me lack of sleep. I was in a constant state of creating excuses. I was slipping further and further from my dreams of making writing a strong part of my business presence. My stress made me inflexible. I was losing opportunities to advance my career. A vicious circle had been created.

I read countless books and hired two writing coaches, but nothing seemed to budge. Then, I had an opportunity to attend a webinar hosted by Michele. I was impressed with Michele and decided I had nothing to lose. I signed up for a discovery call. Michele was accommodating. She fit me in quickly and reassured me that RTT could help.


It did. Immediately.


I can’t explain it, not only did the floodgates of writing open, but I felt a calm, a confidence and an ease in living that I have never known. My husband said I even look and carry myself differently! I cannot tell you how well I sleep!

This experience was so powerful that I used Michele’s expertise a second time. I have a confidence that has changed my world, my business and my career. I am now saying ‘yes’ to projects I would have otherwise avoided. An entirely new facet of my career has opened up for me since my first meeting with Michele a mere six weeks ago!

Michele is in the business of granting miracles!


I have already recommended Michele to my friends and my family. Imagine describing your most vulnerable, pain point to someone. Imagine if someone could wipe away your greatest insecurities, your greatest fears, your greatest vulnerabilities. That is what it is like working with Michele: you hold in front of her a complicated, overwhelming, inexplicable and painful list of reasons why you can’t. She hands back a clean slate of why you can.


Run, don’t walk, to Michele.”

 #RapidRewire © 2020

Nectar Consulting, Inc.
