Reclaim Your Personal Power
with these
Guided Meditations For Success
Reclaim Your Personal Power
with these
Guided Meditations For Success
Take the next step towards greater peace of mind, health
and well-being...
I get it, life can be hectic, even overwhelming at times.
Now more than ever, we all need a little reprieve in our day to quiet the mind and find a moment of peace.
That's when my 3 hand crafted guided meditations are just the thing you need.
You can listen to them anytime to help you take a pause, catch your breath and reset your thinking.
Take a deep breathe in....
Over the last 20+ years of being a coach, I've found that meditation is one of the best ways to quiet the mind, relax the body and create the clarity you need to move forward with greater confidence and peace of mind.
This essential collection of guided meditations from Nectar Consulting will help you reclaim your energy, get grounded and redirect your focus in a way that enables you to positively start your day every day, to create the life you've been dreaming of.
These meditations will help you tap into the quiet center of your spirit, your intuition, and allow it to guide your daily steps for greater clarity, focus and calm.
Here's what's included in your bundle:
Reclaim Your Power
Take a reprieve in the middle of your day with this relaxing 14-minute guided meditation to help you regenerate the energy you've given to others throughout your day.
UnBlock Your Brilliance
This revitalizing 17-minute guided meditation is intended to help flush out any negative or toxic energies that are stuck in your system, calm your mind and get grounded.
Meditation For Abundance
Based on years of wisdom that has been shared with me, this 24-minute guided meditation is a wonderful way to start your day by envisioning what you are creating for yourself and your life.
>> Imagine moving through your day from a place of peace and presence.
>> Imagine how that peace of mind will impact your clarity, your conversations, your career and your life.
>> Imagine what's possible from a place of calm as you focus on achieving your dreams and goals (instead of spinning with worry, fear and self-doubt).
Isn't it time to take back your power from the chaos?
You'll also receive
My Nectar Consulting 21st Anniversary
Claim your bundle today and also get access to this exclusive bonus gift:
My Guided Transformation Recording:
My guided transformation recordings are custom created for clients as part of my 90-Day Rapid RewiringTM Breakthrough Experience.
For my anniversary though, I wanted you to have access to this positively relaxing 30-minute recording I've made especially for you to listen to at night to help you drift off to sleep!
This recording works at a deeper level to help you instill new, empowering and positive thoughts into your subconscious mind. Helping you to build new neural pathways for greater peace of mind each and every day. And the more you listen to it, the stronger those new pathways become as it calms your body, mind and spirit.
Isn't it time to say yes to your own well-being and peace of mind?
Hi, I'm Michele Molitor - Your Mind Detective
After getting bullied out of my corporate job, I discovered the power of coaching to help me overcome my fears, self-doubt and anxiety. What I found was my true calling and purpose in life as a coach and hypnotherapist.
I've spent the last 20+ years dedicated to helping thousands of people worldwide to release their fears, self-doubts and hurt from their heart, mind and spirit.
Learn how you can take back your power from the pain, trauma and limiting beliefs you've been carrying with you for far too long and love yourself unconditionally for greater peace of mind and freedom.
Claim your
Guided Meditations For Success bundle today!
My Nectar Consulting 21st anniversary
transformation recording:
I Am Deeply Relaxed & Safe
“The greatest challenge I was experiencing was lack of self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. This was negatively impacting not just my personal life-but my professional life as well. This was causing me great stress and interfering with my opportunities to grow professionally.
I'm now experiencing high levels of confidence, motivation, and dedication in my job as well as the business I'm currently building. I feel more positive at work and sense greater trust and respect from my co-workers and manager, which I wasn't experiencing before.
Thank you!”
Gabriella P.
Talent Executive & Entrepreneur
I can definitely feel a shift in my confidence and perspective on things. I’ve noticed that my stress and anxiety levels have absolutely gone down as well.
I’ve even noticed myself giving my opinion to people I would usually hesitate in doing that with. Even today our lead detective said to me, “That’s a good idea. I’m going to do that. “ I was sort of shocked and then told myself, “Why are you shocked? You’re brilliant and you have great ideas!”
Angela M.
Law Enforcement Officer
“I’ve struggled with low self-esteem and low self-confidence my whole life. I was fearful of new experiences and was stuck in a rut. I constantly compared myself to others and always came away feeling less than in some way.
Working with Michele has helped me to quiet the critical voice that has been in my head for as long as I can remember. I feel more confident about myself and I no longer constantly compare myself with others. I find myself doing things I would have been afraid to do before working with Michele!
Debbie N.
Financial Professional, Raymond James Financial Services
It's time.
Someday Starts Now.
Unlock the Power of You.
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